Trey Dockendorf
2014-07-02 03:25:29 UTC
Using version 14.03.4-2 I'm unable to reset a QOS' default Preempt value using sacctmgr. The documentation mentions "Setting a Preempt to '' (two single quotes with nothing between them) restores its default setting." but that is not working.
$ sacctmgr show qos normal format=name,preempt,preemptmode
Name Preempt PreemptMode
---------- ---------- -----------
normal cluster
$ sacctmgr -i modify qos normal set preempt=background
Modified qos...
$ sacctmgr show qos normal format=name,preempt,preemptmode
Name Preempt PreemptMode
---------- ---------- -----------
normal background cluster
$ sacctmgr -i modify qos normal set preempt=''
sacctmgr: No error
Nothing modified
I'm able to fix the column in the database:
MariaDB [slurmdbd]> update qos_table set preempt='' where name='normal';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
Unfortunately I don't know C well enough to offer a patch. If I knew where to look in the source I might be able to fix it out :).
- Trey
Trey Dockendorf
Systems Analyst I
Texas A&M University
Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Phone: (979)458-2396
Email: treydock-mRW4Vj+***
Jabber: treydock-mRW4Vj+***
$ sacctmgr show qos normal format=name,preempt,preemptmode
Name Preempt PreemptMode
---------- ---------- -----------
normal cluster
$ sacctmgr -i modify qos normal set preempt=background
Modified qos...
$ sacctmgr show qos normal format=name,preempt,preemptmode
Name Preempt PreemptMode
---------- ---------- -----------
normal background cluster
$ sacctmgr -i modify qos normal set preempt=''
sacctmgr: No error
Nothing modified
I'm able to fix the column in the database:
MariaDB [slurmdbd]> update qos_table set preempt='' where name='normal';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
Unfortunately I don't know C well enough to offer a patch. If I knew where to look in the source I might be able to fix it out :).
- Trey
Trey Dockendorf
Systems Analyst I
Texas A&M University
Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Phone: (979)458-2396
Email: treydock-mRW4Vj+***
Jabber: treydock-mRW4Vj+***