Suggested fixes for slurm test suite
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
2014-08-26 15:34:34 UTC
I just ran the test suite for slurm 14.04.7, and have a few suggestions
and bugfixes:

Test 1.35 fails on our system (probably because we limit memory with
cgroups). Changing job_mem_opt from "--mem-per-cpu=64" to
"--mem-per-cpu=192" in line 61 fixes the problem for us.

Test 1.84 fails to recognise node names like "something1-2", ending up
with node names "something1" instead. Changing NodeName=(\w+) to
NodeName=([^\s]+) fixes the problem.

Test 1.97 reports FAILURE when it discovers that SelectTypeParameters is
not CR_PACK_NODES. Having "exit 0" instead of "exit 1" in line 50 is
perhaps preferable.

Test 2.18 fails because the variable $partition never gets set, so no
idle nodes are found in line 215. Setting $partition in globals.local
helps, but should not be needed, IMO. There is a function
"default_partition" in globals that could perhaps be used. The same
applies to test 2.19.

Test 12.2 fails on our system because the jobs get killed due to memory
limit. Increasing the "slack" in job_mem_limit from 4 to 10 in line 269
fixes the problem for us.

Tests 21.30, 21.31 and 21.32 fails when run as a non-privileged user.
Perhaps they should test for it and exit with a warning instead, like
many other tests.

Test 22.1 fails on our system because the time zone is different from
where the test was written. The problem is that

# Fri Thu Jan 31 00:00:00 2008 - Needed only for the 00:00:00 for timing purposes
set midnight 1201766400

is only correct in one time zone (and unfortunately for us, not in
our :). Perhaps one could use the GNU date command to get the correct
seconds-since-epoch regardless of time zone. Something like

date +%s --date=2008-01-31

should do it. Unfortunately, I don't know enough Expect (tcl?) to
suggest how to implement that.
Bjørn-Helge Mevik, dr. scient,
Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo