Announcing STUBL - a collection of supplemental tools and utilitiy scripts for SLURM
L. Shawn Matott
2014-07-23 20:10:33 UTC

Since making the switch to SLURM, UB CCR has developed a number
of SLURM-related custom bash and perl scripts. These scripts are
based on existing SLURM commands but provide an interface and output
format that is a bit more user-friendly.

We've gotten a few requests for these commands and have spun up a
github repo to distribute them. We call the repo STUBL - SLURM Tools
and UBiLities - and an initial release now available. Anyone interested
is encouraged to have a look, and any comments or suggestions
are welcome!

Here's the link to the STUBL github repo:


L. Shawn Matott, PhD
Computational Scientist
University at Buffalo,
Center for Computational Research
701 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, New York 14203
L. Shawn Matott
2014-10-23 19:36:42 UTC

With version 14.11.0-0pre5 we are noticing a change in behavior in how srun
within an sbatch command behaves in conjunction with the "--export" option.
It looks like the path variable is not available to srun in the pre5 version
whereas it is in version 2.6.3 as well as 14.03.3, which was the last of the
14.x series that we tested against. Is this an intentional change in

I've copied a simple example sbatch command below that illustrates the
behavior we are seeing.


L. Shawn Matott, PhD
Computational Scientist
University at Buffalo,
Center for Computational Research
701 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, New York 14203


$ sbatch --version
slurm 14.11.0-0pre5

$ sbatch -N1 --wrap='srun hostname'
Submitted batch job 4728

$ cat slurm-4728.out

$ sbatch -N1 --export=NONE --wrap='srun hostname'
Submitted batch job 4729

**** $ cat slurm-4729.out
**** srun: error: cpn-k16-39-02: task 0: Exited with exit code 2
**** slurmstepd: execve(): hostname: No such file or directory


$ sbatch --version
slurm 14.03.3

$ sbatch -N1 --export=NONE --wrap='srun hostname'
Submitted batch job 4477

$ cat slurm-4477.out


$ sbatch --version
slurm 2.6.3

$ sbatch -N1 --export=NONE --wrap='srun hostname'
Submitted batch job 2935806

$ cat slurm-2935806.out

