Error with slurmctld
Uwe Sauter
2014-10-09 18:19:38 UTC
Hi Monica,
Hi Uwe,
Thanks for your help on the slurm error.
I created a new slurm.conf using the easy configurator but am still
slurmctld: pidfile not locked, assuming no running daemon
slurmctld: debug2: No last_config_lite file
(/var/spool/last_config_lite) to recover
slurmctld: error: Can't save state, create file
/var/spool/last_config_lite.new error Permission denied
This indicates that SLURM has not enough permissions to create the save
state file in /var/spool.

You need to check under which user the SLURM daemon will run (usually
"slurm") and you have to check if this user has write permissions in the
configured directory (here: /var/spool).

If you'd like to change the directory used to store SLURM's state you
can do that in slurm.conf with the parameter StateSaveLocation. Just
make sure that the user has write permissions...
slurmctld: error: Configured MailProg is invalid
This indicates that /bin/mail does not exist. Either install your
distribution's mail client (mail, mailx, ...) or configure the MailProg
parameter in slurm.conf to point to the executable you want to use to
send emails.


slurmctld: fatal: Incorrect permissions on state save loc: /var/spool
How can I fix this?