completed job information
Hill, Marti Torrey
2014-09-09 17:24:52 UTC
Is there a slurm parameter to set the time limit for completed job information before purging? What is the default value for this?

Hill, Marti Torrey
2014-09-09 17:28:58 UTC
I found it MinJobAge.

From: Hill, Marti Torrey [mailto:***@lanl.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:26 AM
To: slurm-dev
Subject: [slurm-dev] completed job information

Is there a slurm parameter to set the time limit for completed job information before purging? What is the default value for this?

Erica Riello
2014-09-10 13:50:46 UTC

The manual says the default value is 300.

Post by Hill, Marti Torrey
I found it MinJobAge.
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:26 AM
*To:* slurm-dev
*Subject:* [slurm-dev] completed job information
Is there a slurm parameter to set the time limit for completed job
information before purging? What is the default value for this?
[image: Image removed by sender.]
Erica Riello
Aluna Engenharia de Computação PUC-Rio
Chrysovalantis Paschoulas
2014-09-10 14:33:49 UTC
Hi Erica,

The parameter that specifies the minimum period that completed jobs will stay in slurmctld's runtime database is, as you said, MinJobAge with default value 5 minutes. That means that a job record will be removed from the active database after 5 minutes, but still you can find old jobs information in Slurm's MySQL database through slurmdbd. Also you have to take into account also the MaxJobCount, which specifies the maximum number of job records in slurmctld's runtime database. That means, if at some point (e.g. when you have a burst of many small jobs) the number of jobs in the runtime database reaches the value of MaxJobCount and we have many jobs that are completing now, then old job records will be removed from the active DB even if they have NOT reached the MinJobAge limit.

I think this explanation will help you understand better Slurm's mechanism.

By the way I agree with Mr. Marcin Stolarek that the new users should first read the manual before asking/spamming questions. So, my advise to all new users is to read the man pages of slurm.conf, slurmdbd.conf, gres.conf, topology.conf, scontrol, sacct, sacctmgr, sbatch, srun, etc.. RTFM!!!! ;)

Best Regards,
Chrysovalantis Paschoulas

On 09/10/2014 03:50 PM, Erica Riello wrote:

The manual says the default value is 300.


2014-09-09 14:28 GMT-03:00 Hill, Marti Torrey <mhill-***@public.gmane.org<mailto:***@lanl.gov>>:

I found it MinJobAge.

From: Hill, Marti Torrey [mailto:mhill-***@public.gmane.org<mailto:mhill-***@public.gmane.org>]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:26 AM
To: slurm-dev
Subject: [slurm-dev] completed job information

Is there a slurm parameter to set the time limit for completed job information before purging? What is the default value for this?


Erica Riello
Aluna Engenharia de Computação PUC-Rio

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