In my understanding the export command
makes that variable available only to child processes of your
shell. Consequently I doubt this way you can access to variables
exported in a prolog script from any shell that slurm provides.
However, in the documentation I've seen there's a way to do this:
- Create a prolog script and print the command that exports your
echo "export VAR1=\"VALUE1\""/
/echo "export VAR2=\"VALUE2\""
/- In your slurm.conf file, use the TaskProlog directive
instead of Prolog/:
- And execute:
/$srun env/
And you should see VAR1 and VAR2 variables.
Note that this prolog only gets executed in jobsteps (when
executing srun), that means that when you run an sbatch or an
salloc it won't work.
However, the best way to check if your prolog/epilog scripts are
working is to cast something to a file somewhere and then go to
check it manually.
/On 18/06/14 16:13, Brian Baughman wrote:
Hello Joan,
The scripts basically just echo stuff and set some environmental variables. If I set TESTVAL in my user prolog file:
export TESTVAL="this is a test variable"
Then run a test job that does something like:
echo ">>>${TESTVAL}<<<"
I get the output:
So the variable isn’t set.
Joan Francesc Arbona
Ext. 2582
Centre de Tecnologies de la Informació
Universitat de les Illes Balears