jobfilter plugin
Eva Hocks
2014-09-16 22:32:33 UTC
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
logging the following error:

[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files

[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin

Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
docu it was included in slurm. The slurm.conf line reads:
in compliance with the documentation.

Thanks for your help
David Bigagli
2014-09-16 22:51:33 UTC
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)

Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help

Slurm User Group Meeting
September 23-24, Lugano, Switzerland
Find out more http://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm_ug_agenda.html
Eva Hocks
2014-09-24 20:50:32 UTC
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I get the same error when using

[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by David Bigagli
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)
Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help
David Bigagli
2014-09-24 20:57:32 UTC
What is in your slurm.conf:

Post by Eva Hocks
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I get the same error when using
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by David Bigagli
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)
Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help


Eva Hocks
2014-09-24 21:57:33 UTC
Post by David Bigagli
Post by Eva Hocks
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I get the same error when using
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by David Bigagli
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)
Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help
Eva Hocks
2014-09-24 22:17:36 UTC
also tried


with the same failure

[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by Eva Hocks
Post by David Bigagli
Post by Eva Hocks
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I get the same error when using
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by David Bigagli
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)
Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help
Chrysovalantis Paschoulas
2014-09-25 07:21:34 UTC

You have to check if the file "/usr/lib64/slurm/job_submit_defaults.so"
exists on your system. This is included in package/rpm "slurm-plugins".
If it is not there, you have to rebuild with the right options (I am not
sure right now what are the required options, I have to check).

Best Regards,
Post by Eva Hocks
also tried
with the same failure
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T15:14:49.709] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by Eva Hocks
Post by David Bigagli
Post by Eva Hocks
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I get the same error when using
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/defaults looking at all files
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/defaults
[2014-09-24T13:47:52.151] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Post by David Bigagli
This time the documentation is correct, it says "defaults" :-)
Sample plugins available in the distribution include
"all_partitions" "cnode", "defaults",
Post by Eva Hocks
trying to use the jobfilter plugin but the slurmctl does start at all
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.303] slurmctld version 14.03.6 started on cluster hpcdev-005
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.304] error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for job_submit/default looking at all files
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot find job_submit plugin for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] error: cannot create job_submit context for job_submit/default
[2014-09-16T15:23:44.305] fatal: failed to initialize job_submit plugin
Where can I find this plugin? I was under the impression from the
in compliance with the documentation.
Thanks for your help
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Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
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