hanging processes when using SLURM + saga
Anna Kostikova
2014-10-05 15:28:43 UTC
Dear list,

We are using SLURM + python/saga connector. When a job submitted to
SLURM through saga is done, we still see hanging processes, e.g.:
user1 23473 0.0 0.0 113252 3200 ? S oct04 0:00
/bin/sh /home/user1/.saga/adaptors/shell_job/wrapper.sh 23449
user2 24274 0.0 0.0 113252 3196 ? S oct04 0:00
/bin/sh /home/user2/.saga/adaptors/shell_job/wrapper.sh 24250
user1 28031 0.0 0.1 44392 4136 ? Ss oct03 0:00
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
user2 28239 0.0 0.1 44392 4028 ? Ss oct03 0:00
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user

Why this is happening and finished (done) processes are still
appearing (hanging) in the system?
on a server side we use fedora 20 and saga-python 0.20.

Thanks a lot,
paran-5UnqSh4Icw/LoDKTGw+ (Pär Lindfors)
2014-10-06 07:43:29 UTC
Post by Anna Kostikova
Why this is happening and finished (done) processes are still
appearing (hanging) in the system?
on a server side we use fedora 20 and saga-python 0.20.
None of the processes in your list are Slurm processes. You should
probably ask the "saga-python" developers why their processes hang.

Pär Lindfors
