We have information about where a job was submitted from (see
AllocNode in the output of "scontrol show job"), but information about
where a job _step_ was started from (i.e. where the srun is running)
is not available to the user, but is in slurmctld's internal tables.
One might make an educated guess where the srun is based upon the job
information, but that would just be a guess.
Post by David BigagliI think the question was about the submission node, the node where
the srun/sbatch was executed from.
Post by Franco BroiAre we talking about alloc_node? You can retrieve it using the perl api.
Post by David BigagliHi, the information is in the slurmctld but it is not currently printed
by any command.
Post by Andrew GontarekSlurm experts,
Is there a way using either the slurm API or a slurm utility to
determine the hostname of the machine where the starter srun process
resides given a known job_id/step_id?
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