Installing pyslurm with slurm-llnl on Ubuntu 14.04
Enis Afgan
2014-07-11 18:14:33 UTC
I installed slurm-llnl package on Ubuntu 14.04 and am trying to install
pyslurm library. However, during the library build process, the *build*
command is complaining that it cannot find Slurm. Specifically, it's asking
for the lib and include directories. I'm not sure where (or if) the
required *include* files are placed when Slurm is installed via the Ubuntu
package. I presume all the lib files are in /usr/lib/slurm but can't seem
to find the include ones. Are these included (and where) or will Slurm need
to be built from source to get those?


Command error log
$ slurmctld -V
slurm 2.6.5

$ which slurmctld

$ python setup.py build --slurm=/usr/sbin
INFO:root:Info: Building PySlurm (2.5.6-1)
INFO:root:Info: ------------------------------
INFO:root:Info: Cython version 0.20.2 installed

INFO:root:Info: Clean - checking for objects to clean
INFO:root:Info: Clean - completed
INFO:root:Info: Build - Cannot locate the Slurm include in /usr/sbin/include
INFO:root:Info: Need to provide either SLURM dir location for build
INFO:root:Info: Please use --slurm=PATH or --slurm-lib=PATH and
INFO:root:Info: i.e If slurm is installed in /usr use :
INFO:root:Info: --slurm=/usr or --slurm-lib=/usr/lib64 and
INFO:root:Info: For now if using BlueGene cluster set the type with --bgl
--bgp or --bgq
2014-07-18 13:19:31 UTC
Hi Enis,
Post by Enis Afgan
I installed slurm-llnl package on Ubuntu 14.04 and am trying to install
pyslurm library. However, during the library build process, the *build*
command is complaining that it cannot find Slurm. Specifically, it's asking
for the lib and include directories. I'm not sure where (or if) the
required *include* files are placed when Slurm is installed via the Ubuntu
package. I presume all the lib files are in /usr/lib/slurm but can't seem
to find the include ones. Are these included (and where) or will Slurm need
to be built from source to get those?
sorry for the late answer. You need to install libslurm-dev
Best regards
Gennaro Oliva